Sunday, September 25, 2016

Persuade Your Heart

Everyone comes and goes for reasons. Sometimes they just need space and time. Just remember, however he/she is doing, they're try their best for themselves and for you. Even u can't deny that, if someone take u as someone important, they will take you as priority.

But remember, at the same time, they have their own responsblity. They have a lot to do. He is trying his best. And she is trying her best. For themselves. For you. And for the future. Sometimes you must put your selfish aside. Take a deep breath. And think nicely.

Sometimes people are not growing up. But they just grow older. For that, show them the true and right path. Which one they shouldn't and which one they should. That's the right way. Persuade your heart. Doesn't mean you are not important.. Just.. There's a lot of thing that must be settled up. There's a lot of thing must be alerted and concerned. You are important. But theres more things that important.

Take the thing first doesnt mean you are left behind or is being abandoned. Live your life. Follow the flow. And have a happy life. If she or he does mean for you, they'll stay. If not, yes, not. Life is about gambling. You are gambling your heart for the others but you cant have them, you are gambling your money but you didnt get returned, you are gambling your time but you still not be the important one, you gambling your sleep but u still didnt get well in your test. And so on. Life is gambling.

Persuade your heart. Chin up. Smile. You know you are playing gamble right now, right? Then just go on. Go on. Play. Until the game is end. Smile.



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