"Jangan Hiasi Futur"
This topic would be an interesting 'friendly-reminder' for all of us, insyaAllah ❤
You know, when Allah tests you by letting you feels miserable, tired, give up in doing something or i guess in a phase of waiting for someone is more logic and suitable for this topic.
We know that Allah loves His servants. His creatures. But, someone asked me, "If Allah loves His creatures, why did He lets me feeling down, losing people that I love and everything that messed up my mind. Why?"
My answer is, He wants you back. Back to Him. Spending time with Him in our prayers. Thats it. Have you ever think, how many times you spend your time in a day with your friends (?) on instagram? Have you ever think, how long could you spend your solaat and zikr for Allah? If you put these two conditions on balancing equipment, i think we can imagine which one is more to the left or more to the right.
So, pause you mind.
Don't be so stress!
The most vital is, "Jangan Hiasi Futur". When you realize that you are out of the right way, are you still keep yourself on that way?
Thats the meaning. When you realize it, it's a part of nikmat from Allah. You know you did so much wrong things, and it leads you to collect sins, please dont go forward ! Stop for a while. Ask yourself. Is Allah bless everything that i've done before this?
Keep calm. Slow down your breath. Wipe your tears.
Allah is the Most Merciful. He knows that His servants will repeat the same thing, He knows His servants will do things that's not applicable in syariah. Then, He still forgive us. Forgive us. And keep forgive us.
Ask again yourself, how could i keep repeating doing sins, while Allah keep forgiving me?
Hope this reminder will help us to not always keep repeating sins. Taubaat, is the right way ;)